First name Last name for everyone, except the cobweb-laden contacts from when I used to go on dates, a la "John Tinder." No emojis, though, and I think I need to change that!

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Yep, same, guilty. Pretty sure there might still be some of those "Matt OKC"s rattling around deep in my contacts. Gonna give this emoji thing some serious thought.

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Me, too. On the show Catastrophe, Rob Delaney puts Sharon Horgan in his phone as "Sharon London Sex" and does not change it even years later when they're married and have kids. I wonder how many people have their spouses in their phones as "Name Dating App."

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I think probably a whole lot!

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First name Last name for literally everyone, including my parents / my husband / etc. However, if you're super special, you get an emoji after your last name.

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I need to hear more about these emoji! I gotta step up my game.

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I was extremely turned off by the After the Altar episodes of the latest season of Love is Blind but couldn't totally put a finger on why.. you nailed it! The drastic appearance changes (and all the seemingly enforced drinking, ALL the time) were so unsettling.

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Super unsettling! I mean, I am still excited for the new season...but it gives me the ick, too.

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Apparently I'm an outlier- I actually have a lot of just first names in my contacts! Like, I just added a couple of cousins into my phone and on my cousin group chat, they're all in just by first names, except one who's "Lauren H" because I had another Lauren in my contacts. My sister's in there with her family nickhame and no last name. Back in college, with my old flip phone and T9, I added my friend Jon and accidentally wrote his name with that Scandinavian "o" with a line through it, and I've never changed it- amuses me every time I see it. The funniest thing is when you forget who someone is and why they're in your phone (I remember being super confused about one name in my phone before I figured out that he was a photographer we hired to take some Cengage author photos, years earlier).

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Haha the forgetting who someone is justifies adding the last name! And that's hilarious that you had a Cengage photographer in your phone!

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Love that last photo. You - just you. The best!

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Thank you, Janet! YOU'RE the best! <3

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